Member-only story
The New Black Mercedes
5 min readNov 6, 2019
On their daily drive to work early one morning on a busy highway near Kansas City, each of the twelve people below drives past thousands of cars with no particular response. But one shiny new black Mercedes-Benz triggers a response for eleven of them. One is too lost to even notice. Here are some of their responses.
- Bob: “I just saw a new black Mercedes. Frankie drove a car just like that when she broke up with me last year. Now I feel really upset and hurt again. I’ll probably never find anyone else. It was a really bad time when she left, and seeing that car brings all of that pain back. I wish we hadn’t broken up, I’m definitely going to have drinks tonight after work to get past this. This is going to be a bad day!”
- Jerry: “That black Mercedes is the brand new model. Mine is last years. I wish I had this year’s model. I would almost definitely be happier if I had the new one. The new one has nicer lines and some new features. I should have waited and now I feel upset. I can’t believe I have to drive last year’s model. I’m super jealous of that guy who has the newest one.”
- Jackie: “Look at that car. That guy has to be super lucky. I never get a break. I’ve always been the victim of bad breaks. It’s really not fair. Other people always get good opportunities, I never do. My mother told me I would never be successful and she was probably right. My sisters is much more successful, she was always Mom’s favorite. I really don’t want to see her at Thanksgiving this year.“
- Brent: “The guy driving…